
Is Facebook changing our theological views of Jesus?

This image was suggested to me this morning on Facebook to join the "Friends of Jesus" group. Now I realize that many things on Facebook and in general are intended to have fun and not necessarily have deep theological meaning.

However, I desire more than being a "fan" of my Lord and Savior the true Messiah.

I want to be an intimately connected disciple of Christ.

I am not cheering Christ on for a victory because that victory was won at the cross and through the empty tomb.

When I become a fan of Christ I reduce what has already happened at the cross down to a mere one time event like last years Super Bowl which we quickly forget.

What do you think?


  1. Don't know that I agree completely. "Fan" is an abbreviation for fanatic and I definitely want to be fanatical above Christ.

    I definitely believe we can make the "fan" word seem mundane, but have you seen the guys that go to the Browns games with Dog masks on? The guys that paint their cars the colors of their team? What if Christians were that fanatical about their Lord? What if we ate and breathed everything Christ. As opposed to being a fair weather fan.

    Just a thought.

  2. Totally hear what you are saying and I am glad to know we can have open exchanges.

    I guess for me I have typically been a "fair weather fan" when it comes to having a team I am a fan of...possibly that has tainted my view of being a real fan.

    Nonetheless, we should strive to make Christ everything in our life.

  3. I get the thrust of what you're saying, Lantz, and agree. We can quibble about words, but need to rally around the banner of a whole-hearted commitment to follow Christ.
