
Hope for the Hopeless: Teen Suicide Prevention

You may hear the stats during the holiday season that suicide rates dramatically increase during December-January. Much like most stats, they often do not mean anything to us unless there is a story connected to the stat. Without the story we often fail to realize a need in the community. I would much rather prefer not to know any stories about suicide and would rather be moved by the stats.

I have neither for you. No story and no stats. You know the stats, if not do a Google search. You know the stories or possibly you have your own story. I have stories of teens feeling hopeless and know of the second hand stories of teen suicide. There is a gut feeling that few people talk about teen suicide prevention until it is too late and I am trying to wrestle through what it means for me as a youth and family minister.

What does a community looks like that has a safe environment for teen suicide prevention?

What steps would you recommend to help in teen suicide prevention?

1 comment:

  1. Teen suicide prevention is extremely important. For those who have already suffered a loss because of suicide, this website (http://OnlineCEUcredit.com/edu/teen-suicide-hsl) offers great coping strategies.
