
Why Your Son or Daughter is Not Connected

"How do I get my son or daughter connected?"

"I want my kids to have friends in the youth group."

"They just don't feel like they have any friends."

These are responses from parents that I have heard the last 7 years of being in youth ministry.

You know how to get your son or daughter connected to a community of faith?

Show up.
Show up.
Show up.

Relationships do not accidentally happen. They take time, persistence, and intention.

Connection and relationship happens when you make a choice to show up. This goes way beyond the occasional Sunday morning class once or twice a month. If there is an opportunity that is being presented to help cultivate relationship in any form or fashion...show up.


  1. Common sense is so uncommon. Golden post, Lantz! Pure gold!

    1. Thanks Brandon for the generous comment. Can you teach common sense?

  2. Replies
    1. It can be difficult to speak truth with grace, but may we all move in that direction. Thanks for the comment.
