
I Am Alive...Again

Over the last several weeks there have been peaks and valleys. The valley that happened I will share about at another time, for now I want to share with you the next adventure God is leading me and my family on. 

Starting around the first of August I will be the youth minister at the High Pointe Church of Christ in McKinney, TX

God has paved the way for doors to close and open in unusual ways. This is an opportunity to enter into a fresh ministry and work with a staff and church who desire to do Kingdom work for His glory.

The church at High Pointe is missionally focused to reach out to the surrounding community to share the good news of Jesus Christ with friends and neighbors and to restore community with God and one another. High Pointe is a church with a purpose and they realize what is at stake if we do not focus on reaching others. I praise God for this opportunity and look forward to the days and years to come at High Pointe.

There are many things that I am excited about, such as the ministers I will be working with, the teens who I will be reaching out to and the families who I will be partnering with.

As some of you may know McKinney is the hometown of Jessica and practically all of her family still lives in McKinney. We are looking forward to being close to her family, as well as mine. Most of my family is 2 to 3 hours away. Not to mention the amazing friends in the Dallas metroplex area and the friends in Abilene and Lubbock who we will be close enough to do weekend events together (triathlons, golf, hunting, etc).

The blog may be quiet for a few weeks between moving and packing. I will get back into a rhythm in August.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lantz. I just read this post. I am glad to see that you were drawn to the things at High Pointe that you list above. We are so glad that you are here. You will help us tremendously in bringing a missional focus to our youth ministry. You have a great guy with a beautiful family. We are blessed to have you.

    James Nored
    Minister, High Pointe Church of Christ
