
The Tool Shed and Being Connected

During certain times of the year one may go to the tool shed more often or less often depending what specific task need to be accomplished. During the summer months I get the lawnmower out basically every week to mow my yard. In the winter, the lawn mower does not move outside my garage because there is not a need to mow dormant grass.

I am trying to approach the Internet as a tool and more specific certain sites I frequent. Facebook is a tool. I do  not need to use Facebook every waking hour of the day. Even though I feel a need to use Facebook on a regular basis I need to set my boundaries and realize that it is much like my lawn mower and is intended to be used more or less as needed during particular times or season.

What would be different about your day if you used Facebook as a tool?

1 comment:

  1. I use Facebook like a tool (if you also consider a car and a cell phone a tool).
